
Trutovsky KA Carols Little Russia.

What is caroling know everything. And today, in the cities of the holiday New Year's days rang the door bell children, ask for permission to "sow" wheat and expect treats. If asked to sing a carol, you can sometimes hear quite distorted, modern version. In the villages singing carols almost "real." Today-a tribute to tradition.

Let's go back in history and find out the meaning of the rites. The consciousness of our ancestors were mythological. Therefore, any ancient ritual-is primarily a dialogue with the higher powers. Christmas time, during which were caroling were abroad between the old and the new year, when age and die old year and the world. Caroling-it's congratulatory bypass group homes kolyadovschikov with singing auspicious songs.

Modern folklorists to uncover the meaning of the ritual, as the arrival of staging the ancestral spirits of the other world on the brink of change of annual cycles. The arrival of the inhabitants with "that" the world is the need vyprovazhivaniya them back and restore the boundaries between the worlds. Therefore, it was decided to sing Christmas carols in the street under the windows or on the doorstep-zones of contact with "foreign" worlds. Kolyado-people from the "anti-world." They will bring well-being, if they bestow. They are characterized by signs of anti-world-they are entertainers, masked goats, bear, bull, a crane. Husband is vested in both the advantage of producing destructive actions.

What else carols sung in? Desired host and hostess harvest, livestock offspring, a girl and a boy-to marry and marry. "Kolyada"-the god of festivities. He was portrayed as a solar disk with a baby face, as in the days of the Christmas "turned the summer sun." Cookies, which were treated to clowns, too, had to be round (the symbol of the solar disk). Folk singers sang loud, busy tone, to hear the echo. Echo was considered a voice from another world. Until now, the cuckoo considers the remaining years of life.

With the adoption of Christianity in the tenth century traditional paganism was not going to die in Russia. The church has long struggled with the fact that people are not digging Pancake stuffed with ashes dispel the fields in the future guarantee of good harvest, but the reality remained. People had to make concessions. Mardi Gras came to the Christian calendar, and the carols have changed their content. They are now sung on Christmas. Changed the manner of performance: a Merry Christmas carols are sung in the church after the main worship and suggest a more restrained and reverent manner, rather than pagan.

Examples of Christmas carols:

Carols, carols!
A Christmas carol is
On the eve of Christmas
Christmas carol came
Christmas brought.

Carols, carols,
You Bring the cake,
Or bread lomtinu,
Or half a ruble money,
Or chicken with a crest,
Cock with a scallop!
Opened, the owners, chests,
Remove the snouts!
Kopeck let

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